Free Admission Every Day
Open Tue - Sat 10 AM - 5 PM

Educator Resources

teachers & students

Art is a powerful foundation for education and understanding

Let us help you meet your educational goals

The Albany Museum of Art has an exciting exhibition lineup for the 2024-25 academic year. We encourage you to use the exhibits to supplement your curriculum. School programs at the Albany Museum of Art promote literacy and evidential reasoning, content knowledge and critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity.

We believe that integrating the arts into other subjects makes learning come alive. We also have adjusted our offerings to fit the needs of the community so that all can benefit from our exhibitions in a safe and fun way. We are offering virtual field trips for schools that are not gathering, as well as in-person trips for those that are.

Field trips, including art activities and gallery tours, are free to schools and organizations.

Our provided activities and lessons meet national and Georgia performance standards, and are appropriate for pre-K and up.

You may download current curricula and pre-visit activities by going HERE or to Field Trip Packets below and selecting the exhibition and the age group of your students.

We can tailor our collection to your needs. Here are a few ideas:

  • English teachers, bring your students to practice Ekphratic writing (writing in response to works of art!) in the galleries. Co-lead a writing workshop and host a reading at the end.
  • History teachers, don’t forget about the American historical sources hanging all over our Museum walls. Call us about an American History gallery talk or a writing assignment for your students.
  • Foreign language teachers, bring your students to discuss works of art in a second language. We can help you find references to your country of focus in our collection.
  • Math Teachers, did you know that the golden ratio has long been used in the visual arts because it is most aesthetically pleasing? Or that artists often lay out their works based on a series of 45-degree angles? Bring your students to see how math is used in this realistic application.
  • Science teachers, sculptures can be used to explain physics, photography exhibits can be used to talk about chemical reactions, and paintings can be used to discuss the natural world.


Get information for school field trips for 2nd graders, K-5th graders, middle and high school students, and college students by clicking below on Field Trip Packets and downloading the packet that is applicable to your group.

Students look at artworks in the Hodges Gallery
Lake Park Elementary School students tour the AMA's Hodges Gallery.


We don't want to make the Museum forbidding or stuffy, but we do have to make sure the art is protected and that visitors have a good experience. So, we have some guidelines for visitors.

Here are some important things to remember when you visit the AMA:

1. We do not allow food, drink or gum in our museum galleries. If you brought a drink or snack with you, feel free to use one of the picnic tables on the AMA grounds.

2. Photography is allowed in the exhibition areas as long as you do not use a flash. If you post to social media, please include the tag #albanymuseumofart. It's a good idea to check with your museum teacher or docent before taking pictures.

3. Please do not touch any of the artwork. It can be easily damaged.

4. Please comply with current CDC, state and local health guidelines while inside the AMA.

5. Please do not run, wrestle or push your classmates or friends. Activity like that can damage museum artifacts and put other visitors in danger.

6. Use your "inside voice." Loud noises can disturb other visitors, so yelling, loud laughing and whistling should be avoided.

7. Feel free to ask questions about the exhibitions and the museum itself. Enjoy your visit to the Albany Museum of Art.

You can schedule your class or group visit HERE

Download the Fall 2024 school year tour packets for your age group.

Get the Curriculum Guide for Grades K-5th HERE.

Get the Curriculum Guide for Middle School HERE.

Get the Curriculum Guide for High School HERE.

Get the Beauty in the Humble Places Gallery Guide HERE.

Get the Rootwork Gallery Guide HERE.

As a chaperone, you play an essential role in creating a positive experience for your students. Your supervision is needed to monitor and maintain the good behavior and safety of the students in your group.

Please ensure that you and your group of students (10 students or fewer per chaperone) stay together during your time in the Museum, including the AMA galleries and AMAzing Space.

It is your responsibility to maintain the good behavior and safety of the students in your group. Encourage students to remember the three museum rules, to interact with the group, and, most importantly, to have fun.

When teachers and chaperones are engaged and active in the tour (listening to the speaker, putting away their cell phones, asking questions, and sitting with the students), students are more inclined to remain engaged.

  • Encourage students to participate in the art project and ask questions!
  • When in AMAzing space, limit running, and remind students to use inside voices. There are offices nearby where museum staff are working.
  • There will be time for a restroom break before and after the field trip, but if the need arises promptly escort your student to the restroom and return to the group.

What is the cost of the school tours or programs?
Tour groups are free.

Tour size/COVID-19 precautions
Depending on the size of a group, multiple dates may be required. Mask usage and other requirements will be posted and in line with guidance from the CDC and state and local health officials at the time of your visit. Please reach out to us with any questions or concerns.

What time do school programs take place?
Tours are available September through May on Tuesdays through Fridays. The start of a tour can be scheduled as early as 9:45 am and as late as 2 pm.

Please schedule your tour at least one week in advance.

What time should I arrive at the Museum?
We advise that your group arrives 10 minutes before its tour is scheduled to begin. If your group arrives late, we will need to shorten your tour to fit within the time allotted for it. If you need to leave earlier than your scheduled time, please let us know as soon as possible so that we may adjust your curriculum for optimal results.

Do I need to schedule my field trip if I don’t want to book a tour and/or program?
Yes. Self-guided visits for school groups are scheduled Tuesdays through Fridays and require advance scheduling to ensure the availability of gallery space.

How many chaperones do I need?
We require one chaperone for every eight students for self-guided visits.

What happens if we arrive late?
The Albany Museum of Art cannot guarantee a guided tour for a group that arrives more than 30 minutes after its scheduled tour time. If you are delayed, however, we will try to accommodate your group with a self-guided tour.

Is there material to help me prepare my students for our visit?
Tour packets are available upon request. The packets will include an overview of what you and your students will see while at the Albany Museum of Art. Pre- and post-visit activities are included for you to complete before and after your visit. Curriculum packets may be downloaded HERE.

Contact AMA Director of Education and Public Programming Annie Vanoteghem at 229.439.8400 or by email HERE.

Where do I unload my students and where do I park?
Buses, vans, and cars can drop students off at the front entrance of the Museum, then proceed to the parking area to the left of the building entrance.

Does the Museum have a picnic area?
The Museum does have a place to picnic. The pecan grove is a shady place to enjoy lunch after the visit. We also have three outdoor picnic tables available.

Can I stay in the Museum after my tour is finished?
School groups are welcome to stay in the AMA and visit any of the galleries. We ask that you please respect the spaces that are needed for other students and yield to any guided group.