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Open Tue - Sat 10 AM - 5 PM

Starting her art career from scratch and with no formal education, later in life, Anat Ronen, of Houston, Texas, says her perspective and views come from those of a “normal,” “average” person. Life was never too easy for her, but she discovered there’s more to it than just existing. Creating is a part of who she is. After initially doing commission-only work, a 2013 invitation to paint a mural for a museum exhibit made Ronen more aware of what is in her, leading to follow her true passion — urban art. Art for the people. Anywhere and everywhere. She says it made her want to break the rules, experiment, test the boundaries only to disregard them. Now a decade into her art career, Ronen says each project teaches her something new – about art, about people, about herself.

Other Works By Anat Ronen

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